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Donate in Kind

“WE” appeals for voluntary donation for a green cause in the form of Saplings, Seeds, Polythene Bags, PVC Tanks, Water tankers, Drip System, Fertilizers, Compost, Tools and implements, Coconut Husks to carry forward the hard nurtured green movement. 


Zadanchi (Tree) Bhishi

“WE” requires fund to carry on the green initiatives on a large scale. The concept of voluntary monthly contribution of Rs 200/ per month is practiced by the NGO, wherein members donate voluntary in the account of the NGO. This money is used in various trees plantation & sustenance activities. However, the donations from Bhishi are not sufficient considering the high cost of plantation activities. 

Plant a Tree Online

“We” is also contemplating a concept of Plant a Tree Online, wherein one can donate the expenses of the tree and We would plant and nurture the trees till it grows fully. The coordinates of the planted trees along with the pictures of the present status would be shared with the donor from time to time.

CSR Opportunity

​The Corporate Sector can join us under this green national movement for mainstreaming Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for sustained inclusiveness as part of its social development agenda. The Indian Industry has been working towards social development by engaging with the government, community and civil society in matter of social, ecological and environmental concerns. On the same lines, we would like to eagerly invite your participation in the Green Mission by being worthy contributors in Dense Forest Projects and Other Green initiatives.

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